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This carrd is made to inform people of all age what mental health illnesses are and how much it affects one’s mind and physical health even.

This also helps those that are going through hardships, letting them know that there are people willing to help and offer a helping hand.

Press what to know What Mental Health is and its Illnesses.

Press how to know
How you can help those that are experiencing them.

Press hotlines to be informed of the Emergency Hotlines you can dial and are available.

Proceed if done.

Press the user icon on the top left to view end notes

suicide prevention


Suicide is such a heavy topic we should all be aware about. It has become a desperate way for one to escape their suffering that has now become so unbearable and very heavy to carry on with their everyday life.

It deteriorates one’s life and physical health that it is now a very serious thing in the World Health Organization. Yet as big of a problem this is, there will always be misconceptions about the subject suicide.

Knowing the signs in order to prevent them should be a normal for all of those at age, we can help those that are suffering from them by being aware and extending a lending hand to them.

Suicide prevention can start by recognizing the signs, understanding that they are in need and taking them seriously.

suicide prevention


To let you understand and recognize the signs, the following are
Suicide Warning signs one can have

  • Talking about suicide

  • Saying goodbye

  • Self-Destructive behavior

  • Depression

  • Self-inflicting injury or hurting oneself


Take note that not everyone is the same, someone can still suffer without these signs showing, and I will provide you additional information on how to help people that tends to be secretive and keep to themselves.

how to help


Here’s how you can help a relative or a friend that are experiencing mental health issues and suicidal tendencies.

  • Know first the warning signs.

  • Determine if they are physically inflicting self-harm or just intrusive thoughts by asking them calmly.

  • Let them know you’re there for them, even by just listening to their problems and feelings.

  • Ask if they need advice or if they just need you to listen, to prevent miscommunication.

  • Recommend help and show your support for their growth.

  • Speak what you think about the situation, choose the words to say and thread smoothly to avoid misunderstandings.

  • Be open to them and be willing to hear them out, transparency will always be the key to it.

how to help


To help those that are silent with their battles all you have to do is be transparent to them and let them be transparent to you, as depression or any of the mental illnesses can be masked up and dressed up as something different, it can still be present in anyone’s life. Be willing to help if they do so let you in their darkest times and never force them to tell you their troubles as they need to have that same willingness in them in order to let you know what’s bothering them.

For those that are silent with their troubles, know so that not everything can be solved independently. There will be those that can hear you out and give you a lending hand whenever you cannot hold yourself properly anymore.

There is no such thing as impossible in life, and all you have to do is take that one step towards improvement. What you feel now is valid and you have every right to feel that way, but never choose to stay in that dark place you’re in, you also deserve the warmth from the people around you.

what is mental health


Mental health is the state of well-being where one determines how they handle situations. It includes the emotional side of a person, psychological and their social well-being.
It also affects how we think and feel, the mind constructs us an act to do as it influences our behavior around people. We have this throughout life as it is impossible not to have one, from childhood to adolescence, through the stages of adulthood and aging.

Mental health illnesses are health conditions that involves our mental health or the changes in our emotion, way of thinking, and the behavior. It occurs through many things, it can be from stress, abuse or even a traumatic event one has to go through.
Mental illness refers to such a wide range of mental health conditions, disorders that affect the behavior and perception of a person. It includes depression, anxiety disorders, addictive behaviors and many more.

emergency hotlines


Emergency Hotlines

These are emergency hotlines and counseling hotlines available to call even for just a chat or to ask for some advice. Feel free to call them whenever you are in need!!

A 24/7 suicide prevention and crisis support helpline.
PLDT: (02) 804 4673
GLOBE: (0917) 558 4673

The National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline
Offers a 24-hour service to people in the Philippines that are depressed or at risk of suicide
Tel: (092) 989 8727 (telephone)
Tel GLOBE: (0917) 899 8727 (cellphone)
Tel TM: (0966) 351 4518
Toll-free: 1553 (landline)

Mood Harmony
Landline: 844 2941

end notes


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Thank you for viewing this site, I hope it helped you and answered some of your questions.

Feel free to contact me if you have some that weren't answered or if you need a stranger to listen to your troubles.